Free Downloads!

I have accumulated a lot of art and maps revolving around the Protectors of Pretanni series. They don’t do me much good cluttering up my desktop, so starting January of 2023, I will place free downloads on a new page of my website. Just click the picture of the...

2024 Writing Goals

2023 was a whirlwind of a year for me. It stretched me in so many ways. Some of those were good, some were too much. It is also the year of social media for me. This is going to be kind of a long post, with several data tables. This is totally my type of thing, but...

Just a Mollmant! December 2023

Happy Holidays edition Personal update Looking back over the year, I have a lot to be thankful for. I didn’t get my book out like I wanted, but I’m giving it my final read through this week and it will be launched on January 22nd. For this, I’m...